Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Un estudio del ahorro agregado por agentes económicos en Chile
La notable alza de las tasas de ahorro privado y público desde comienzos de los años 80 en Chile ha despertado considerable interés. Este interés se ha reflejado tanto en discusiones de política económica como en trabajos académicos. Entre ellos, Morandé (1998) y Agosín (1999) se proponen explicar lo ...
External conditions and growth performance
A central dimension of globalization is the world trend toward larger trade and financial openness, observed in most industrial and developing economies. Openness increases the integration of world goods and capital markets, contributing to potential gains in growth and welfare. However, increased ...
Policy biases when the monetary and fiscal authorities have different objectives
Until recently, the debate on the relationship between monetary and fiscal authorities centered on the inflationary consequences of mentary financing of the fiscal deficit. The moderately high inflation of the 1970s in some industrialized countries and, particularly, the recurring episodes of very ...
The sources of economic growth: an overview
The importance of economic growth cannot be overstated. Income growth is ssential for achieving economic, social, and even political development. Countries that grow strongly and for sustained periods of time are able to reduce their poverty levels significantly, strengthen their democratic and political ...
Inflation targeting: an overview
After the emergence of a consensus in the 1980s on the harmful effects of inflation, the last decade of the twentieth century witnessed a market reduction in inflation rates across the world. By the end of the 1980s, empirical evidence collected from large cross-country analyses and numerous case ...
Una revisión del comportamiento y de los determinantes del ahorro en el mundo
Las tasas de ahorro varían ampliamente en el mundo: en promedio, el este de Asia ahorra sobre 30% del ingreso nacional bruto disponible (INBD), mientras que África del sub-Sahara ahorra menos de 15%. Es más, las diferencias regionales han ido aumentando: durante las últimas tres décadas las tasas de ...
Financial intermediation and growth: causality and causes
Do better functioning financial intermediaries -financial intermediaries that are better at ameliorating information asymmetrics and facilitating transactions- exert a causal influence on economic growth? Providing evidence on causality has implications for policymakers and economists. For instance, ...
Monetary policy functions and transmission mechanisms: an overview
Monetary policy comprises the rules and actions adopted by the central bank to achieve its objectives. In most countries the primary goal of monetary policy is price stability. However, the mandate of many central banks also encompasses other objectives, including attainment of fullemployment, domestic ...