Now showing items 11-20 of 39
Monetary policy under uncertainty and learning
Huge swings in oil, food, and other commodity prices and the global financial crisis are at the core of current monetary policy discussion. The latter events are vivid reminders of how uncertainty, imperfect knowledge, and the need to learn affect macroeconomic behavior and the conduct of monetary ...
Monetary policy under financial turbulence
The financial crisis that started in 2007 brought the global economy to the brink, and in many respects it is still unfolding, especially in Europe. While a fierce debate continues on how to understand and deal with the crisis, a consensus is emerging with regard to the originating shocks, the mechanisms ...
Financial stability, monetary policy, and Central Banking
The financial developments of the last decade have had a large impact on the range of risk diversification contracts available to investors. Based on these complex instruments, the investment possibility frontier was shifted outward and increasingly intricate networks were created. At the same time, ...
Monetary policy through asset markets: lessons from unconventional measures and implications for an integrated world
The global financial crisis of 2008 and its aftermath brought many new challenges for the world’s central banks. These new challenges have resulted, in turn, in bold experimentation—not just the vigorous application of traditional policy tools, but the use of new ones, or at least ones that were rarely ...
Commodity prices and macroeconomic policy
The Book Series on “Central Banking, Analysis, and Economic Policies” of the Central Bank of Chile publishes new research on central banking and economics in general, with special emphasis on issues and fields that are relevant to economic policies in developing economies. The volumes are published ...
25 años de autonomía del Banco Central de Chile
La historia monetaria de Chile, como la de la mayoría de los países de la región, contiene una larga lista de intentos fallidos por lograr la estabilidad de la inflación, intentos que solo se lograron superar a partir de la década de los noventa de la mano de un cambio institucional radical: entregar ...
Funcionamiento de nuestra legislación bancaria y monetaria
En portada: Discursos y reportajes de Mr. E. W. Kemmerer en julio de 1927.