Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Economía para todos
El libro explica, a lo largo de 12 capítulos y en un lenguaje accesible, cómo las personas, las empresas, el gobierno y el resto del mundo toman decisiones cotidianamente. En los primeros capítulos se analiza cada proceso económico en profundidad, para luego entregar hacia el final, una visión amplia ...
General equilibrium models for the Chilean economy
General equilibrium theory and modeling have proved to be useful for understanding economic interactions between markets and agents and the determination of prices and quantities. Applied general equilibrium models (GEM) have been developed and used to address a wide range of theoretical questions and ...
General equilibrium models: an overview
The development of general equilibrium models (GEMs) goes back a long way in economics, both at a theoretical level and as a tool for empirical analysis. General equilibrium theory and modeling have proved to be relevant and useful for understanding economic interactions between markets and agents in ...
How well does a monetary dynamic equilibrium model account for chilean data?
Since Kydland and Prescott published their influential work in 1982, the literature on monetary real business cycle models has proved its ability to account for regularities in the data for developed countries. Few works, however, attempt to do so for emerging Latin American economies. The aim of this ...
General equilibrium dynamics of external shocks and policy changes in Chile
This paper explores Chile’s macroeconomic dynamics with the help of a general equilibrium model parameterized for the Chilean economy. The model is based on microanalytic foundations, and its basic relations are derived from intertemporal optimization by a group of forward-looking agents endowed with ...