Now showing items 1-10 of 119
Inflation targeting and the anchoring of inflation expectations in the Western hemisphere
Many central banks have adopted a formal inflation-targeting framework based on the belief and the theoretical predictions that an explicit and clearly communicated numerical objective for the level of inflation over a specified period would, in itself, be a strong communication device that would help ...
Inflation targeting versus price-path targeting: looking for improvements
The world’s central banks have undergone dramatic changes in the past fifteen years. Increases in independence and transparency have been coupled with a shift in focus. Price stability is now the paramount objective for the vast majority of modern central bankers. Combined, these changes in central ...
The monetary policy transmission mechanism and policy rules in Canada
The inflation targeting regime in place in Canada requires a clear understanding of the monetary policy transmission mechanism and a way to exploit knowledge of that mechanism in making policy decisions. This paper describes the Bank of Canada's current undestanding of the monetary policy transmission ...
Expectations, learning and monetary policy: an overview of recent research
The conduct of monetary policy in terms of interest rate or other rules has been extensively studied in recent research. This literature gives a central role to forecasts of future inflation and output, and the question of whether monetary policy should be forward- ooking has been subject to discussion ...
Monetary policy under uncertainty and learning: an overview
Central bank economists and academic economists conducting research on the design of monetary policy have made significant advances in recent years. This work has led to a clearer understanding of the desirable properties of interest rate rules, the role of announcements and communication, and the ...
Imperfect knowledge and the pitfalls of optimal control monetary policy
Sixty years ago, Milton Friedman questioned the usefulness of the optimal control approach because of policymakers’ imperfect knowledge of the economy and favored instead a simple rule approach to monetary policy (1947, 1948). These are still live issues, despite the development of powerful techniques ...
Equity market spillovers in the Americas
Many aspects of financial markets merit monitoring in risk management and portfolio allocation contexts, including (and perhaps especially) in contexts of interest to central banks. Much recent attention, for example, has been devoted to measuring and forecasting return volatilities and correlations, ...
Central banking after the crisis
By the mid-2000s both academics and central banks had come to a remarkable consensus on what central banks’ basic strategy should be. However with the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 the world of central banking changed forever. The worldwide financial crisis revealed that some of the ...
Banco Central de Chile 1925-1964: una historia institucional
La serie de libros 'Banca Central Análisis y Políticas Económicas' del Banco Central de Chile publica trabajos inéditos sobre banca central y sobre la economía en general con énfasis en temas y políticas relacionados con la conducción económica de los países en desarrollo. La publicación de los libros ...