Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Local impacts of trade liberalization: evidence from the chilean agricultural sector
Protectionist trade policies aim at shielding some sectors— typically but not exclusively manufacturing—from international competition. In doing so they may produce unintended consequences. In particular they tend to create some taxed sectors that use protected inputs usually in the agricultural sector ...
Chile´s regional arrangements: the importance of market access and lowering the tariff to six percent
We define additive regionalism as the process of sequentially negotiating bilateral free trade agreements with all significant trading partners. Chile is the country that has most clearly articulated a strategy of additive regionalism. The government of Chile has successfully concluded a free trade ...
Managing the capital account
Globalization has been under attack over the last few years. Activists, famous academics, and commentators of various stripes have mounted a systematic campaign against free trade in goods and, especially, in financial claims. One of the latest manifestations of this antiliberalization mood was the ...