Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Current account and external financing
Are international capital markets a source of stable and reliable financing for emerging market economies, or a source of instability? Is the pattern of capital flows from poor to rich countries observed in the past decade sustainable? What is the optimal degree of capital account openness both for ...
Monetary policy under financial turbulence
The financial crisis that started in 2007 brought the global economy to the brink, and in many respects it is still unfolding, especially in Europe. While a fierce debate continues on how to understand and deal with the crisis, a consensus is emerging with regard to the originating shocks, the mechanisms ...
Sobre el nivel de reservas internacionales de Chile: análisis a partir de enfoques complementarios
Este artículo analiza la evolución y el nivel de reservas internacionales de Chile a partir de metodologías complementarias. En primer lugar, construimos diversos indicadores de reservas internacionales sugeridos por la literatura para un conjunto de países avanzados y emergentes. Segundo, estimamos ...
Evaluación de propuestas recientes en torno a la arquitectura financiera internacional
En la discusión reciente sobre la denominada “arquitectura financiera internacional” destacan las propuestas referidas a mecanismos de reestructuración de deuda soberana. También ha recibido un grado relevante de atención la línea de crédito contingente que ofrece el Fondo Monetario Internacional desde ...
Banking, financial integration, and international crises
During the past decade has enhanced market discipline but also caused greater strain in many emerging market economies' financial sectors, especially their banking systems. The potential benefits of financial integration, although large in the long run, may be outweighed in the short run if the ...