Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Liquidity and foreing asset management challenges for Latin America countries
The Global Financial Crisis put to the fore the challenges of managing liquidity and foreign assets at times of heightened volatility. Earlier concerns of some observers regarding the costs of precautionary hoarding notwithstanding the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) validated the buffer value of ...
International reserve management and the current account
This paper assesses the costs and benefits of active international reserve management. The first part outlines and appraises various channels through which international reserve management may enhance economic performance, focusing on two important channels: it lowers the real exchange rate volatility ...
Desafíos del manejo de la liquidez y de los activos internacionales en latinoamérica
Analizamos la creciente importancia de los fondos soberanos y la difusión de las metas de inflación y reglas de Taylor aumentadas y su impacto sobre el ajuste de los países latinoamericanos a los desafíos planteados por shocks financieros y de términos de intercambio post crisis. Confirmamos que la ...