Now showing items 1-10 of 79
The monetary policy transmission mechanism and policy rules in Canada
The inflation targeting regime in place in Canada requires a clear understanding of the monetary policy transmission mechanism and a way to exploit knowledge of that mechanism in making policy decisions. This paper describes the Bank of Canada's current undestanding of the monetary policy transmission ...
The monetary transmission mechanism in the United Kingdom: pass-through and policy rules
A number of recent papers have used policy simulations from small empirical macroeconomic models to assess the efficacy of inflation targeting or, more precisely, inflation forecast targeting (Svensson, 1997a). These include Rudebush and Svensson (1999). The models used to undertake these simulations ...
Under what conditions can inflation targeting be adopted? The experience of emerging markets
Inflation targeting has become an increasingly popular monetary policy strategy, with 21 countries (8 industrial and 13 emerging market economies) targeting inflation and others considering following in their footsteps. Numerous studies of inflation targeting in industrial countries have been conducted, ...
Monetary policy under uncertainty and learning: an overview
Central bank economists and academic economists conducting research on the design of monetary policy have made significant advances in recent years. This work has led to a clearer understanding of the desirable properties of interest rate rules, the role of announcements and communication, and the ...
La política monetaria y la distribución del ingreso
La relación entre política monetaria y equidad se expresa directamente a través del efecto de la inflación sobre el ingreso de las personas e, indirectamente, a través de la actividad económica. El análisis presentado en este artículo concluye que no existe una relación directa significativa entre ...
A decadeof inflation targeting in Chile: developments, lessons, and challenges
In the twentieth century, Chile experienced most monetary and exchange rate regimes. Periods of fixed exchange rates usually ended in speculative attacks as a result of inconsistent policies or significant external shocks, generating serious real costs and larger exchange rate volatility.
New frontiers for menetary policy in Chile
Inflation targeting can be broadly defined as a framework for the conduct of MONETARY POLICY in which the central bank guides its instruments in order to hold inflation near a preannounced target or to bring back to the target. Although understanding the framework is straightfoward, its practical ...
Inflation targeting in the context of IMF-Supported adjustment programs
For the last few years, the staff of the Iternational Monetary Fund (IMF) has been engaged in assessing the functioning and effectiveness of inflation targeting in IMF member countries that have adopted this scheme as their monetary policy anchor. This involvement was restricted to the IMF's surveillance ...
Regularidades empíricas del entorno internacional relevante para la economía Chilena
En el presente estudio se analizan regularidades macroeconómicas dentro de los grandes bloques económicos (EE.UU., Europa y Japón) y se describe la interacción entre variables relevantes de estos bloques y su relación con variables de interés para la economía Chilena como precios de productos básicos, ...
Eficiencia de la política monetaria en Chile ¿existieron mejoras?
La volatilidad del producto y de la tasa de inflación disminuyó de manera importante en los últimos años. Esta mejora del desempeño económico se puede explicar tanto por una caída de los shocks que enfrenta la economía como por una mejora en la política monetaria. Este documento explora la contribución ...